Programming languages lie at the core of the digital revolution reshaping our world. As technology advances at a rapid pace, the need for skilled programmers is soaring.

For those considering building an app or software in the UK, it is vital to understand which programming languages are in high demand. This article delves into the most sought-after programming languages in 2024 and their significance for individuals aiming to enter this dynamic market. 

Whether you are an inquisitive startup or an experienced business magnet eager to enhance your business digital transformation, this blog offers valuable insights into the prevailing market trends within the UK’s tech sector. Keep reading to stay informed.

So, What Is A Programming Language?

Are you using a chatting app, movie watch app or any kind of app on your phone? A programmer like the ones employed by Mind and Matter uses programming languages to create the app. 

A programming language serves as a set of instructions crafted by a programmer to guide the computer in executing tasks. These instructions, often perceived as cryptic code, adhere to a specific syntax rule unique to each programming language.

Securing a position in the UK information technology industry can be both straightforward and challenging. It requires a blend of technical and non-technical skills. Among the technical skills, mastering programming languages stands out as the foremost requirement for anyone aspiring to enter the tech realm.

Whether you are a novice or a businessman in the UK tech field, you are likely familiar with the concept of programming languages. However, it is important to recognize that the term “programming languages” encompasses a broad spectrum. There are numerous programming languages, some of which you may have encountered, while others may be entirely new to you. These languages are categorized into various groups based on their characteristics and purposes.

Rather than rushing into learning a programming language (for use in business or your career), we encourage readers to delve deeper into the world of programming languages. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of different programming languages, you can select one that truly ignites your interest and passion.

How Many Programming Languages Are There?

Indeed, the landscape of programming languages is expansive, with a multitude of options available. According to Wikipedia, there are over 700 programming languages in existence. Each of these languages serves distinct purposes and boasts unique functionalities.

In broad strokes, programming languages are often classified into two main categories: high-level and low-level languages. However, as one delves deeper into the realm of programming, one will discover a myriad of additional types and classifications. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these various types before committing to understanding and adopting a specific programming language.

What is the difference between high-level programming and low-level programming?

The distinction between high-level and low-level programming languages lies in their level of abstraction and ease of understanding and use. 

Level of Understanding:

High-level programming languages are designed to be easily understood and interpreted by humans. On the other hand, low-level programming languages are more machine-oriented and less human-friendly, making them harder to comprehend without specialized knowledge.

Ease of Debugging:

High-level languages offer greater ease of debugging as the code is more readable and comprehensible. Programmers can quickly identify and rectify errors. In contrast, debugging low-level languages can be more challenging due to their complexity and lack of readability.

Memory Efficiency:

Low-level languages excel in memory efficiency, resulting in faster program execution. High-level languages, while easier to write and debug, may sacrifice some efficiency in terms of memory usage and program speed.


High-level languages are typically cross-platform, allowing code to be executed on various systems without modification. Low-level languages, however, are often platform-dependent, restricting their execution to specific hardware architectures.


High-level languages are usually translated using interpreters, which convert the code into machine-readable instructions at runtime. Low-level languages, on the other hand, are translated by assemblers directly into machine code.


High-level languages are widely preferred for software development due to their simplicity, cross-platform compatibility, and ease of use. Low-level languages, while still utilized in specific domains, are less common in modern software development due to their complexity and specialized nature.

Here are 8 of the most popular code languages in the UK

1. Javascript

JavaScript stands out as a widely embraced programming language with extensive usage across the globe. It serves as a go-to choice for programmers aiming to create interactive web pages as well as craft fully functional websites, develop video games, animate graphics, and much more.

Key features of JavaScript include:

  • Compatibility across multiple platforms, allowing it to operate seamlessly on various operating systems and web browsers.
  • Flexibility to integrate with diverse add-ons, thereby extending its functionality to meet specific needs.
  • Capability to facilitate client-side validation, enhancing user experience while alleviating server load.

The advantages of JavaScript:

  • Cross-platform support ensures compatibility across different operating systems and web browsers, ensuring widespread accessibility.
  • Modern browsers often feature a built-in interactive JavaScript interpreter, simplifying testing and debugging processes.
  • It is an event-driven programming paradigm that enables the development of intricate applications with ease.
  • JavaScript boasts a large support community, offering access to resources like JQuery, a comprehensive library that streamlines web development tasks.
  • It is built on an intuitive foundational structure thereby making it an ideal starting point for beginners venturing into the realm of programming.

JavaScript finds applications in various domains, including:

  • Web development, where it excels in front-end development and crafting interactive web pages.
  • Mobile app development, particularly in the realm of hybrid and cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Game development, facilitating the creation of both 2D and 3D gaming experiences.
  • Web server creation, leveraging technologies like Node.js to build scalable and efficient back-end applications.
  • Serverless computing, enabling the development of serverless applications on cloud platforms such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.

2. Python

Python stands out as a favoured programming language embraced by numerous tech businesses and startups, thanks to its user-friendly nature and remarkable versatility.

Its simplicity and readability, akin to English, make it particularly appealing to beginners venturing into programming.

Backed by a robust and supportive community, Python offers an abundance of resources and tutorials, facilitating the learning journey for newcomers or experienced programmers.

Python’s adaptability extends across various domains, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing.

Key features of Python include:

  • Clear and straightforward syntax, enhancing readability and comprehension.
  • Beginner-friendly characteristics, easing the learning curve for individuals new to coding.
  • Extensive community support, providing ample assistance and guidance to learners.
  • Application versatility, spanning from web development to data analysis, Artificial Intelligence and scientific computation.
  • Compatibility with different operating systems, ensuring accessibility across diverse platforms.

The benefits of Python:

  • Widely employed across industries and organizations, underscoring its relevance and practicality.
  • Prioritizes designer experience and usability, fostering a conducive environment for development.
  • Integration capabilities with languages like C and C++, enabling the execution of more complex tasks.
  • Efficiency in terms of time and effort directly translates to enhanced productivity.
  • Interactive features facilitate real-time testing and refinement of code.
  • Boasts a rich array of libraries and frameworks, further streamlining the development process.
  • Suitable for both novice programmers as well as seasoned coders, owing to its intuitive design and extensive capabilities.

Python finds applications in various scenarios, including:

  • Data science and analysis, leveraging its robust libraries and tools for processing and interpreting data.
  • Enterprise and business applications, where its versatility and efficiency are highly valued.
  • Web frameworks and applications, facilitating the development of dynamic and scalable web solutions.
  • Task automation enables the automation of repetitive processes and workflows to improve efficiency.

3. Java

Java stands out as a versatile programming language renowned for its “write once, run anywhere” capability, making it a go-to choice for developers across various platforms. Not to be confused with Javascript. 

It boasts compatibility with all major operating systems and is widely adopted by major corporations to develop their platforms and backend systems.

Additionally, Java serves as the foundation for most Android operating systems, underlining its significance in the mobile app development landscape.

Key features of Java include:

  • Multi-faceted and highly productive nature, enabling developers to accomplish diverse tasks efficiently.
  • Facilitate application portability across multiple operating systems, thanks to its platform-independent nature.
  • Utilizes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) software to execute code seamlessly on any platform or device.

The benefits of Java:

  • Cross-platform compatibility ensures seamless operation across a wide range of operating systems.
  • Robust and secure, with efficient memory management mechanisms in place.
  • Offers an extensive network library and a plethora of tools for streamlined app development.
  • Boasts a simple syntax and is relatively easy to learn, making it accessible to beginners.

Java applications in various domains:

  • Creating mobile applications, particularly for the Android operating system.
  • Developing desktop GUI applications, providing a robust framework for building user-friendly interfaces.
  • Working with the Internet of Things (IoT), facilitates connectivity and communication between devices.
  • Developing enterprise-level applications, leveraging Java’s scalability and reliability.
  • Building web applications, with frameworks like Spring, provides a solid foundation for web development.
  • Handling big data technologies, where Java’s performance and scalability are invaluable for processing vast amounts of data efficiently.

4. C

C remains an enduring and relevant programming language, credited with laying the groundwork for more advanced languages such as Python, C#, and Ruby.

Its versatility allows it to be employed on virtually any device, facilitating hardware programming tasks such as embedded systems in cars and medical devices in healthcare.

Key features of C include:

  • Machine independence, enabling seamless portability across various hardware platforms.
  • Compiler-based nature, necessitating compilation before execution.
  • Procedural programming paradigm, emphasizing sequential operations and modular task division.

The benefits of C:

  • Widely entrenched in most computer operating systems, making it a ubiquitous programming language.
  • Efficient and conducive to rapid development, empowering programmers to accomplish tasks with speed and precision.
  • Simplifies debugging, testing, and maintenance processes, enhancing overall code quality and reliability.
  • Offers extensive libraries equipped with a diverse array of functions, facilitating streamlined development processes.
  • Serves as a solid foundation for learning other programming languages, owing to its fundamental concepts and principles.

Common applications of C:

  • Embedded systems in hardware, leveraging its efficiency and flexibility for tasks requiring close interaction with hardware components.
  • System programming, where C’s low-level capabilities are highly valued for developing operating systems, device drivers, and utilities.
  • Game development, owing to its performance and ability to harness system resources efficiently.
  • Industrial automation, where C’s reliability and real-time processing capabilities are instrumental in controlling and monitoring industrial processes.

5. C++

C++ is an advanced and extended version of the C programming language that runs on multiple hardware platforms and is widely used to develop major software applications, such as games and operating systems.

Key features of C++ include: 

  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Machine-independent
  • Multi-paradigm language

The benefits of C++ :

  • Cross-platform functionality
  • Efficient and fast language
  • Rich library and compiler support

A few common uses of C++ :

  • Game development
  • Operating system development
  • High-performance computing
  • Robotics
  • Graphics and visual effects
  • Finance and trading applications
  • Embedded systems and IoT

6. PHP

PHP stands out as a popular open-source scripting language renowned for its prowess in building dynamic websites and applications that respond dynamically to user interactions. It is frequently employed for handling server-side tasks, such as managing database connections and processing form data.

Key features of PHP include:

  • Server-side scripting capabilities enable the execution of code on the server before delivering content to the client’s browser.
  • Extensive compatibility with major platforms, ensuring seamless operation across a wide range of operating systems and web servers.
  • Interpreted nature, facilitating easier development and debugging processes by executing code directly without the need for compilation.

The benefits of PHP:

  • Cross-platform compatibility ensures smooth operation across all major operating systems and web servers, maximizing accessibility.
  • High flexibility enables developers to tailor PHP to suit specific project requirements, fostering customization and innovation.
  • Developers enjoy a high degree of control over the language, empowering them to implement solutions tailored to their needs.
  • Rich libraries, frameworks and tools abound in the PHP ecosystem, streamlining development workflow and enhancing productivity.
  • Built-in error-handling capabilities simplify the debugging process, contributing to overall code quality and reliability.
  • PHP boasts a simple syntax and strong community support, making it easy to learn and use, particularly for developers new to the language.

Common applications of PHP:

  • Dynamic web page generation, where PHP excels in generating content that changes dynamically based on user input or system variables.
  • Database-driven website development, leveraging PHP’s capabilities to interact with databases and manipulate data dynamically.
  • Back-end web development, utilizing PHP to handle server-side logic and process user requests.
  • RESTful API development, employing PHP to build web services that adhere to REST architectural principles.
  • Command-line scripting, where PHP’s scripting capabilities extend beyond web development to automate tasks and perform system operations.
  • Web scraping and data extraction, harnessing PHP’s flexibility to extract data from websites and other online sources.
  • PDF generation, utilizing PHP libraries and extensions to generate dynamic PDF documents on the fly.
  • Social media applications and real-time chat applications, where PHP is used to build interactive and engaging web experiences.

7. SQL

SQL, standing for Structured Query Language, serves as a powerful database query language extensively utilized by organizations to access and manipulate data stored in databases. Additionally, it serves as the standard language for database operations across various programming languages.

Key features of SQL include:

  • Standardization for managing relational database systems, providing a uniform approach to database management.
  • Domain-specific nature, specifically designed for handling data stored in relational databases.
  • Comprised of several sub-languages tailored for creating, querying and modifying databases.

The benefits of SQL:

  • Boasts a simple syntax, enhancing readability and ease of use for developers and database administrators.
  • Provides a highly secure environment for managing sensitive data and ensuring data integrity.
  • Offers scalability and flexibility, allowing databases to adapt to changing requirements and growing datasets.
  • Facilitates robust transactional support, ensuring reliable data management and integrity through Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID properties).
  • Enables analytical description of data, supporting advanced data analysis and reporting capabilities.
  • Highly productive for working with large datasets, streamlining data manipulation and retrieval processes.
  • Demonstrates high functionality, catering to a wide range of database management needs.

Common uses of SQL:

  • Database management, where SQL serves as the standard language for creating, querying, and modifying relational databases.
  • Data analysis, leveraging SQL’s querying capabilities to extract insights and generate reports from large datasets.
  • Client-server execution, enabling communication between client applications and database servers for data retrieval and manipulation.
  • Sales reports, utilizing SQL queries to generate reports and analyze sales data for business insights.
  • Business management, employing SQL to manage various aspects of business operations, including inventory management, customer relationship management, and financial reporting.

8. Ruby

Ruby stands out as a versatile programming language renowned for its proficiency in web application development, alongside its applications in data analysis and prototyping, akin to Python.

Notably, Ruby is the driving force behind Ruby on Rails, a widely adopted web development framework.

Key features of Ruby include:

  • Implementation based on the C programming language, offering robustness and efficiency.
  • Seamless integration with the Ruby on Rails web framework, enhancing productivity and facilitating rapid development.
  • Support for multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming.

The benefits of Ruby:

  • Boasts a simple syntax, fostering easy comprehension and readability for developers.
  • Incorporates a built-in garbage collection feature, enhancing memory management and ensuring efficient resource utilization.
  • Prioritizes high productivity, enabling developers to accomplish tasks with speed and precision.
  • Supported by a plethora of tools and frameworks, streamlining development workflows and enhancing versatility.
  • Benefits from a large and active community of developers, providing ample resources, tutorials, and support.
  • Beginner-friendly nature makes it an accessible choice for individuals new to programming.

Common uses of Ruby:

  • Web development, including the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications using Ruby on Rails.
  • Data analysis, manipulation, and processing leveraging Ruby’s capabilities to analyze and manipulate datasets.
  • System administration, facilitating the automation of tasks and management of system resources.
  • Robotics and automation, where Ruby’s versatility is harnessed to control and automate robotic systems.
  • Creating proof-of-concept projects, enabling rapid prototyping and validation of ideas in various domains.

So (you may ask), which is the best programming language to use or learn in 2024?

Whether you are:-

A Newbie with no experience


an Experienced Developer in a Mobile Apps and Software Development company like Mind and Matter


You are just a startup business looking for app and software development for your business in the UK.

Understanding the most sought-after programming languages can significantly enhance your future prospects. This is of great importance. 

Not to mention, the needs of your project can also be a major factor in choosing the programming language to use. 

Consider exploring the indices that measure programming language rankings, ratings, and popularity to identify the languages that align with your goals and industry demands. By staying informed about the evolving trends in the tech landscape, you can make informed decisions about which languages to prioritize in your journey.

We encourage you to share your thoughts with Mind & Matter. Please ask, email us, and let us know before you start.

Which programming language do you intend to learn or use in 2024, and what factors influenced your decision? Your insight can also inspire and guide our fellow developers as they navigate their learning paths in the dynamic world of mobile app and software development.

Published On: March 15th, 2024 / Tags: , /